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Home arrow Web Design & Development Blog arrow INSTDRV.EXE error on boot-up on IBM Thinkpad
INSTDRV.EXE error on boot-up on IBM Thinkpad
I recently decided to clean up my IBM Thinkpad T42 by removing any unnecessary programs. IBM tools were among the first to go. However, after revmoing a bunch of programs that i thought were useless, i began getting an error message every time it booted up which explained that C:\IBMTOOLS\UTILS\INSTDRVW.EXE was missing. This was an annoying error but otherwise didn't cause any malfunction. After a lengthy investigation scanning files, programs, and the registry, this is what i discovered: The culprit is an IBM service called "IBM Rapid Restore Ultra". Disable it and the error message will stop. I posted this mini-article because there was no useful information regarding IBM's INSTDRVW.exe anywhere on the web... except one thread that was in Chinese and useless to me. I hope you find this helpful. Send some good karma if you do. Cheers!