About Us |
KiDQUiCK Inc. is a privately owned, federally incorporated company in Canada since June 2005. Our mantra is to find simple and effective solutions for technology-related problems, all the while adhering to responsible, accessible and optimized web design methodologies. We make it our business to stay on top of technology and trends so we can provide results for your business.
We specialize in website design based on open-source content management systems. We can help you bring your business online and achieve your online goals with a CMS web solution tailored to your specific needs. We also provide personable training and documentation to help you make the most of your online investment in the long run. Our websites take advantage of features like RSS feeds, secure checkout, web site promotion and search engine optimization, databases, feedback and polling, comprehensive site stats, and correspondence managers. We can also help you with your graphic development and identity branding needs. We take pride in our designs and work hard to ensure that every website adheres to W3C standards. All KiDQUiCK websites sit proudly on the shoulders of the Open Source Giants like Joomla! which is written in PHP using a MySQL database, hosted by an Apache web server running Linux. |